Monday, November 20, 2017
Warning: Undedrstand What You Are Singing
Yesterday in Church Service I heard a song--it has been out for a while, but this is the first time I heard it. "Speak Into The Atmosphere." If you were to look up the lyrics it would be under "speak" It is written by Myron Butler.
It must be well known in the black community, The words seem to be more on the line of the Law Of Attraction. "Speak and it will be yours. Walk about your house and speak... I shall have what I decree. Yes, I believe. It belongs to me."
And so on.
The first question to ask is where in the Bible is the verse? There is none. But ,yes, speak into the atmosphere (Where demons are and the prince of the power of the air and you may have what you desire.
Speak into the atmosphere is not prayer. This is what I hold to.
" I believe. I shall have what I decree." That sounds like the ability to create out of--what? The atmosphere? God has not given His people that ability. Only God can create that way.
Yes, He has given to man the ability to create using substances in existence. But He has never given to man the ability to create as He creates. It is a part of the image we don't have.
This song is dangerous and when found in a Bible believing church should be carefully explained and then never heard again.
Friday, November 10, 2017
Trump And America
So let me change the subject for this post. I will get back to Bible study later. At the moment I feel this urge to look at President Trump and his term.
I realize there are many who don't still know that Trump not Clinton is our President. I read posting where people are calling Trump our suppose President.
This view is not right. Like it or not Trump is in the White House and will be for a while.
Let me try to explain what Make America Great is all about. As I see it, it is making America a place where a person is proud to be a citizen. A place where you want to be a citizen. A place where if you are an immigrant you want to become a citizen.
A place where you no longer have to live off the dole of the government but a place where you can get up each morning and go to a job.
In order for this to work we have to get our industries and jobs back on American soil and not outsourced.
We don't have to help other nations prosper. Japan and China and South Korea, to name a few places, no longer need our help to prosper. That was a thought we had after the war. We needed to help rebuild China, Japan and so on. We no longer have that need. We should bring our jobs back to our land and create jobs for Americans. For example, technology. We have the expertise here and the people here who can do the needed jobs. We shouldn't have to ship our raw material overseas to turn around and buy it back. Fort example, we need less products made in China and more American made on our soil. It will mean more jobs for Americans -- jobs that we have sent overseas. Put Americans back to work in American plants.
Get people who will not work off SSI and other programs. Are you aware where that money comes from.?
From the working people. That is where the money comes from. From Jobs that we have. The services we provide.
America can't be great if people who are fit are not working. And that is working at jobs that the rich have made possible. There can be no jobs if there are not rich people who have paid out the seed money to start the businesses which will need to hire employees.
Let us face it.. there is no job that is worthless. Every job is needed from the street cleaner to the executive.
American can be great again. We can be proud to call ourselves Americans.
We can do it with God's help.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Chapter Study
It would seem that you as a group are camping on the subject of Bible Study and the ABCD method. I would like to suggest an easier one for you to do. It doesn't require any other book except the Bible and a paper to jot down what you are learning.
It is known as the chapter method. I would suggest you start this one with a shorter chapter such as I Corinthians 13.
Start out by reading it five times. Maybe one of the times you read it aloud to yourself. Notice the flow. Notice the main word or subject covered.
After reading it through at least that many times, preferably in a Bile you have not made notes in yet , give the chapter a name. Then next paraphrase it. Note down the key word (in this case, love). Ask yourself how you can apply it. The purpose of Bible study is application not so much interpretation.
Using a study Bible find the other places this topic is referred to.
Find a verse to memorize in the passage read. This is very important as God the Holy Spirit will use it in your life. "Thy Word I have hid in my heart that I may not sin against God. Psalm 119:6" Always remember to include the address of the verse.
Inform me how you are doing.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
The Promised One
Okay. Hold on to your hats. Here comes a big one in the doctrine world.
I have posted some on this in previous logs. But I would like to dig deeper into this one.
God became flesh. There was no other way to communicate so that we would understand.
In the past He sent prophets. He sent people He worked with, through imperfect as they were. Few listened. He did everything to get man's attention.
So, as you remember we talking about it, according to the plan He made in eternity past, before the world and time began, God Himself took on flesh. He was born in Bethlehem in an animal's feeding place. He grew up as part of a family. He learned about life the same way we do. He worked in a carpenter's work space. He was baptized by John in the Jordan. He had a following of twelve men whom He choose. He went around teaching and doing miracles. He did things the prophets had said the coming savior was to do. He was nailed to a tree as a common criminal although He had done nothing wrong ( it also was something the prophets said the coming savior of the world would have to suffer) and he died and was placed in a tomb. But the story goes on to say He rose out of the grave three days later. And He ascended to heaven in a human body.
Also He is coming back again.
Yes, God became flesh. And Jesus was His name. He is 100% God and 100% humanity. Not mixed. Not blended. Separate. At the same time the two were united. He didn't get the spiritual at His baptism as some so called Christian groups ( I shudder to use that word for them--Christian, because they aren't) teach. Not did the divine leave at the cross.
He was sinless. No one else is or has ever been.
So far, guys, I notice I have had a few people reading these postings. But I am still waiting for feedback. And when you give feed back, please let me know how I can respond back so we have a
conversation not a monolog .
On the other hand, maybe I am not connecting with any of you out there. If so, let me know that also.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
The Lamb of God
No longer was man in the garden. It was no longer easy for him to approach God. God did give them a way. Through sacrifice. Through a lamb. God even decided to work through a nation.
In the garden he was working through Adam and Eve. They sinned. They were the start of God's working in the world. But He had a bigger plan in mind.
So he chose Abraham and made from him a nation. The journey now lead through many centuries and many lands. But Abraham was promised some day a land, a people and a redeemer.
Remember--Abraham was near 100 when he had a son. From this son would come the Jews, a nation of God's choosing, A nation that was to bring about a redeemer.
I realize I am making this simple. I want you to grasp what I am saying. Since these postings are covering the subject of doctrine, I wish to make it so the little child can grasp it.
The people called Hebrews were charged to bring God to the heathens around them. They were also to stay pure. Not marry other nation's women or do what the nations around them were doing. No idol worship. No making of idols, no false tales. No lying-- Bearing false witness. They were given the ten commandments as guidelines. They broke them all.
God provided priests and prophets to guide them. Few listened.
God sent them into captivity so they would perhaps learn to listen to Him.
Finally, as per the discussion They (The Godhead) had in eternity past, God Himself entered into humanity. He became a baby. He felt every thing as a man. He bleed when cut. He cried. He felt pain. He felt sorrow. He felt disgust He was fully human. While at the same time He remained God. This is a mystery. It was just done.
This does not mean we humans are little gods. We aren't. We have within our bodies a broken sinful nature. God, who was given the human name, Jesus, did not have sin. By not having the seed of an earthly father, a male who carried the sin seed, He alone was born sinless. His human mother, Mary, had the seed of sin in her. But sin was not transferred to Jesus.
He lived thirty years here on the human plan fully man, fully God-- as I said above. Then He was killed on a cross. Buried in a tomb. On the third day after he was put in the tomb, He came out.
In a body He rose back to heaven. He will come back again some day soon.
Man can now approach God because of what God has done not what man does.
I know this is a lot to take in. Read it a few times. If you have any question, post them in the comment section. I will be happy to help you.
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
All is not Lost-2
Man is now outside the garden. It is a struggle for him now to make a living. the weather has changed. It is n longer sunny every day. The ground no longer produces as much to eat as it used to. Adam and his wife argue now. They didn't use to. God is silent, it seems. They miss the daily walks with God.
But they are still alive and if they seek God through sacrifice and prayer, they can still connect.
I will let you in on another secret. God was not surprised when man listened to the serpent in the garden. Man at that time was innocent. He had no reason to know good and evil. God from the moment of the creation of man was his go-to man. Any question, any need, was supplied. God was their mediator. They had it good.
And along comes the serpent. Not just any serpent but a serpent in which the fallen angel Satan, aka, Lucifer, entered. Lucifer was trying to get God to reject His creation, man, as God had rejected him. Satan had done his homework. He had noticed that God had created a male and a female. He also noticed that it was to the man God spoke more often . He noticed that Adam would spend time transmitting the information to Eve.
This day Adam and Eve were walking through the garden. Adam tended the garden. Eve would work along side him. They were inspecting the trees.
And then they came upon the one tree in the garden God had told them not to eat of the fruit from.
Eve was ahead of Adam as they came to the tree. It was now that Satan spoke through the serpent. "Has God really said to you that you that you can eat of any tree in the garden?"
Eve though through what she has been told God said. "Yes. Except for the fruit of this tree. And we are not even to touch it."
Satan came back. "He is holding out on you. He knows the day you do you will know Good and Evil and become like God."
Eve thought. Adam has not yet told her anything about that subject. Maybe the serpent was correct. So she took the fruit and ate.
All at once her appearance changed. Adam, who was there with her, noticed this. And he knew want has happened. He could see himself losing her. So he took of the fruit and ate. His appearance changed also.
The serpent laughed to himself. And he clapped his hands (Serpents had hands or feet at this time) I have done it, I have won.
Then they heard God walking in the garden. All at once Adam and Eve hide.
God found them and instructed them how to get back in fellowship with Him. And to the serpent, He took way the feet and had him crawl on the ground, slithering.
I told you earlier about the plan the Trinity had to restore fellowship. You can go back in the earlier posts and read about it.
Man was sent out of the garden to now work and sweat more when they did so.
We are told the woman was deceived and the blame for the fall falls on the man.
God also told the first humans that a Redeemer was going to be coming who would crush the serpent's head. In other words, man could be restored. Angels could not be. Crushing the head would stop the power and control.
Man now needed someone who could stand between him and God when it came to approaching Him. God set up the sacrifice system and the priest. But this was to be temporary. He Himself would have to come to earth , be born, live among us, be crucified as an innocent sinless creature, rise the third day, ascend back into heaven to become a link between God and man.
But that is another post down the line.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
God's Supreme Creation
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In The Book It Is Written |
But God had a plan. He was going to redeem man. Not because man was lovable. Not because man was good under the skin. No, the Bible says that there is none righteous, all righteousness that man is capable of doing is as rags that a woman uses to stop the flow during a period.. Would you like someone to offer you rags like that?
No, God wanted to redeem man because man still had the image of God and God loves that image.
So God gave Adam the command to do a sacrifice-- to kill an innocent lamb and offer that lamb as a sacrifice to Him in order to be allowed back on worship ground with Him. But this had to be done every time man sinned. Over and over. God even choose priests to do this for the people as a representative.
But God did not want a human sacrifice as seen in the other nation's attempt to approach their idea of god. God set apart a nation for Himself. The people known as the Jewish race. But they also walked away from God.
God even gave standards they could use to show them their need of righteousness. God gave them to Moses who gave them to the people. No one was able to keep them. I'll let you in on a secret. God didn't expect them to be able to do so. He just want to show that there was none righteous, no not one. God's plan from before time began, when God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
decided together that God Himself was to become a man and die on the cross and rise again three days later and carry the blood of the sacrifice into heaven to present to God a completed act.
I better say so long for now and I'll post more later.
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
All Is Not Lost
Now the great rescue is put in place. Man has sinned. that is, sin is disobedience to God's command. Adam and Eve had been told not to eat of that tree. And they had.
And the outcome was death or separation from God. No longer could they have fellowship with Him. God is too holy and pure. Man lost his innocence. He was not to have learned evil that way.
That did not mean he lost the image. That got bent and distorted. From now on when ever he was to try to conceive of God he would sense something greater and wish to make contact, but he would be unable to. So he would make images of what he conceived this god in his image to be.
God wanted to restore to man what he had in the garden. In fact God--, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, had the solution already prepared, They had discussed this among themselves long before creation.
It would take the death of an innocent, sinless, creature. In the long run, God Himself would die on the cross for the sins of mankind. But at this point , since man was not able to fellowship with Him, God had to slowly work within history to woo mankind back to Him.
It was through blood that man could even attempt to approach God now. God Himself killed an innocent creature to clothe Adam and Eve before He drove them out of the garden. He instructed Adam and Eve that a sacrifice was needed to approach Him. Each and every time.
You see, God had given man something called free will. That meant he could choose to obey or not That is what the thing in the garden was all about. Man used his free will to not obey God. And men today do the same thing.
So, how are you doing? The story continues. Since this is a doctrine blog now for, I don't know how long,hang in there. More cool doctrines to come. And you can still comment to me and I will attempt to clarify for you .
Sunday, July 16, 2017
The Great Divide
This is now the fourth installment. We have God having created. We have man. We have the animals. We have the garden.
This is not the place to discuss sexuality. That will come in a later doctrinal discussion on humanity. This section--and I don't yet know how many more-- is on creation. I guess we should look at why God and man separated fellowship.
In the last posting I said God created man innocent or capable of learning for himself what he needs to know. That means part of God's image consists in knowing things.
It is not my plan to explain God's image. I don't know exactly all it is. But our ability to communicate must also be a part of that image.
So, what happened that God and man naturally no longer walk and talk together?
I call it a great divide.
To do that I must insert another doctrine here. All doctrine is interconnected.
Still I am talking about creation.
God also created angels. Angels are God's messengers. They were created to do nothing but glorify their creator. It was a vast number. He created them in ranks or divisions with each rank having a special job. God must have given them in the beginning the ability to choose where they wished to serve. The Bible says that one called Lucifer became prideful and thought himself independent. He somehow got a third of the angels to agree with him and they opposed God's authority. So Lucifer got thrown out of heaven and the other angels who followed him also were cast out.
Lucifer and his angels were thrown to earth. Lucifer because Satan (Accuser) and his angels became demons.
They watched as God created man.
They heard what God told Adam and Eve, the two innocent humans--"Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of the tree yielding seed..." for they had watched as God created all the trees-- also the tree of life in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God told them to eat of every tree in the garden except for that one which was in the midst.
It was a test of obedience
Satan saw a way he could get God to throw man out of the garden and separate Himself from them, just as he had separated Himself from fellowship with him.
Get them to doubt God and disobey a command.
And it worked. He went after the woman. He figured, rightly, that the man loved the woman so much he would follow in the disobedience.
And God did throw them out of the garden. But not before leaving a way open to restore fellowship--something He did not do for the angels.
This means there will be some more posts.
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Then Along Comes Man
Now we move along to God's crown jewel of creation.
It was good that God created planets and stars and choose one planet to populate.
The highest peak of His creation was man. Why? Because only man was created in the image of God. Man was created to have a relationship with his Creator.
We read that God walked and talked with man in the garden. Man had all he needed or wanted.
Man was created innocent. Innocent in the area of being a blank slate. He had nothing to distance himself from his Creator.
God, as a loving creator met man's needs.
Being created in the image of God he was like a child just learning. God was sort of a parent. man was the child. God said here was one thing man was not to do. To test man's obedience God said in love that there was one thing man must not do. "Of all the tress in the garden you shall eat. But of the tree in the middle of the garden, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you are forbidden to eat-- or on the day you do so you shall no longer be able to fellowship with me.
All went well, Until that day which will be covered In the next post.
God wants fellowship. He wants a relationship. That relationship was broken. Man was the one who broke it, not God.
The image was bent and man sought a relationship in other things, not God.
Just trying to make you wish to read the next post. See you there.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
The Show Begins
Before there was anything, there was God. The first verse in Genesis states, in the beginning God created. He didn't need a big bang. All He needed was the spoken word. All came into being because He spoke it out.
All the stars we see through a telescope-- all the things we see trough a microscope-- God made them by a word.
The land we walk on--the air we breathe. All spoken into existence by God.
The animals we see even us.. spoken into existence by God.
And humans are special. The Bible says God created Adam and Eve and blew into them life. This was a way of saying, God shared some of Himself with us. What is called the image. It is not physical. Since God is spirit, it was something to do with spirit.
We read Adam and Eve had daily fellowship with God. They walked together, is the way the scriptures put it.
Why we don't walk with God today will be covered in the next post.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
The Beginning
I thought about it and decided the best place to start is at the beginning and since I am going to do a study of doctrine for you., that beginning should begin farther back.
Back to before the beginning. In school, I am sorry to say, you have been told a lie. The earth has not always been. It had a beginning and that beginning did not start it a big bang. God spoke things into existence.
Okay, so let's say there was that bang. What was behind that bang. Great masses building up pressure and all at once the pressure is released. Humm. Where did the mass come from?
I hold there was nothing in the beginning. No matter. No form. No solids. Nothing.
But God. Why?
Didn't I say we needed a cause. A cause who is not caused?
And God had no reason to cause anything. He was not lonely. God exists in a Trinity.-- Father, Son, And Hold Spirit. He had Himself and no needs. More on this in another post.
So where did the world come from? Why creation? God spoke it in to existence. The earth and everything on it. The sea, the land, the plants, the animals, and man.
And it was all good.
But what happened to make it not good?
Questions which we will look at as this study goes on.
Monday, June 26, 2017
A Proper Foundation
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Shortly after I had posted the last message on this blog I noticed the ad for The Reorganized Church (Which is Mormon) was taken down. That is good.
A person still has to be very careful when it comes to proper correct orthodoxy.
I therefore have come to the conclusion what is needed as the next subject to be handled in this blog is the subject of Doctrine.
That is not a dirty word
To properly understand Bible Study you must properly understand Doctrine.
If you don't properly understand Doctrine you end up accepting untruth and from there you end up not having a solid foundation to work with.
A Mormon has the wrong idea of what a church is. The church is a group of people, not a building, who all have a relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is recorded to have said, in the Gospel of John, I am The Way, The Truth, The Life. No one comes to the Father but through me. -John 14:6
He has called Himself I AM. That is the name of God who met Moses in the burning bush.
Enough said. Please comment back to me if you need further discussion.
So now you have helped me set the direction we need to go. Or I should say, who ever handles the ads did so.
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Not recommended
You may have noticed an ad on the side of this blog for the Restored Church of God. This book is not recommended. It is not the view of the writer of this post. I have offered to my readers an orthodox presentation of truth. I am ready to handle any comments. If you wish an answer, please leave with your comment a way I can get back to you. A real email address will do.
The thing is I must monetize the postings so I allow ads. I don't own the ad agency.
Until next time.
The thing is I must monetize the postings so I allow ads. I don't own the ad agency.
Until next time.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Deacons and Ordination
Recently, on a Sunday, since that is the day my church holds services, we had in addition to the full service of songs, announcements, more songs, sermon-- we had an ordination service for a new minister to the office of Pastor/Teacher-- and to also ordain a few Deacons.
The sermon was on the leadership obligations, both for the Pastor, who is also a Teacher, and of the Deacons. It was pointed out, and I have mentioned this earlier in this blog, the deacon is not the head leader in the fellowship. He is only to help the pastor care for the congregation. It was pointed out the Pastor is like a doctor who sets a broken bone. The Deacon then is the nurse who changes the dressing and sets the splint.
As for the question of ordination--I firmly believe the ordination sets the person apart for the office.
The deacon should not be a warm body who fills a hole. I had been called to the Deacon board of a fellowship who treated the office that way. I served my three years as a missions person and so I was stuffed in the Deacon office after my three years was up. On that board I only dispensed money without any investigation on the part of the board and discussion.
Now in the new fellowship I help in the Lord's table, I can investigate stated needs, and bring to the attention of the Deacons the suggestion of financial help, I can visit shut-ins, and so on. And this one is an ordained office. And I report to the Pastor.
Yes, 1Timothy talks about the Deacon and what to look for before placing the man in the office. Deacons are spoken of in Acts six. Table waiters and not church leaders. At least not the Pastor but the one who make it possible for the man called to be Pastor to preach and study the Word.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
You Are Important
Okay. There has been no response to my earlier posts. There has been no feedback so I don't know just what it is you people out there want.
Let me say that I need feedback. Since I feel this blog is worth pursuing., I will pick up my computer and start again.
You--every one of you-- are of worth. I believe that or else I wouldn't have started this blog. But you are puzzling. I need to get some feedback so I can better meet your needs.
I have other blogs for marketing purposes. My blog for vitamins is for the purpose of getting some money to be able to blog subjects such as this.
You are of worth. You were created by God with worth. Even now you have worth. God loves you and has been seeking you. I have explained this in my earlier posts. He sent Jesus, God in the flesh, to die for your sins since the payment for sin is separation from God. God does not wish for anyone to be separated from Him but to have fellowship with Him. This is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Please give me feedback. I will read and respond.
Let me say that I need feedback. Since I feel this blog is worth pursuing., I will pick up my computer and start again.
You--every one of you-- are of worth. I believe that or else I wouldn't have started this blog. But you are puzzling. I need to get some feedback so I can better meet your needs.
I have other blogs for marketing purposes. My blog for vitamins is for the purpose of getting some money to be able to blog subjects such as this.
You are of worth. You were created by God with worth. Even now you have worth. God loves you and has been seeking you. I have explained this in my earlier posts. He sent Jesus, God in the flesh, to die for your sins since the payment for sin is separation from God. God does not wish for anyone to be separated from Him but to have fellowship with Him. This is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Please give me feedback. I will read and respond.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Paul Still Roman-Part Seven
Now let's use the Book of Romans to answer- Can God be known and How?
Since you have been reading the book a few time already in preparation for this study method. you have a general idea of the answer. Since you are doing this Bible study method for application and for a tool in helping others, you need to get somewhat of a grip on the answer.
We are still using a pencil and a notepad alongside our translation of the Epistle to the Romans
From our reading we conclude that Paul says we are able to know God in a general way.. In general means that since God can be seen in a general way, all are guilty before God. We will find how as we read and study this book.
He has revealed Himself. By carefully reading chapter one verses 18 to the end we should be able to answer..Use the notepad to chart the use of the phrase "God let them over to.... Because they did not acknowledge Him."
Note what happens when man suppress that truth.
This is a deep study and your shouldn't expect to dig out all the gold out of it in one study. You will only be doing a surface study at the moment. You can go back and dig more later. Note questions your reading gives you in your notebook.
Go back and search for the answers at a later time. I hold that the Bible explains itself.
Comment back to me with how you are doing, please.
Monday, February 6, 2017
Romaning With Paul- Part Six
Now another way to do a word study is to take a portion of scripture and trace the words within that passage.
I am looking at Chapter 0ne verses 18 through 20:
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. NASB
You ask questions of this. How is God known? What is evident? What is the unrighteousness talked about?
Use the book. You have been reading through Romans a few times and by now have an idea of that is in it.
Dig. Use a concordence which will give you each time the word is used.Jot down what you are finding in your journal or that notebook you are keeping for this study.
This takes time. I am not talking about a short devotional time. This is work. But it is worth it.
Please feel free to leave comments so I will know how I am doing.
I am looking at Chapter 0ne verses 18 through 20:
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. NASB
You ask questions of this. How is God known? What is evident? What is the unrighteousness talked about?
Use the book. You have been reading through Romans a few times and by now have an idea of that is in it.
Dig. Use a concordence which will give you each time the word is used.Jot down what you are finding in your journal or that notebook you are keeping for this study.
This takes time. I am not talking about a short devotional time. This is work. But it is worth it.
Please feel free to leave comments so I will know how I am doing.
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Every Church Should Have Some Deacons
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In scripture they show up in the book of Acts when there is a need of table waiters The church was made up of Hebrews and Hellenists- those who spoke Greek. It was over the feeding of the widows. The apostles decided that seven men full of the Holy Spirit were to be chosen for this task.
Today the Deacons are there to help the pastor of the church in areas of service such as serving communion, handling the money used for meeting needs of the people.
Paul thought this so important that he tells Timothy, a pastor of a church in Ephesus, the things to look for in choosing a man to be a Deacon. This is recorded in 1Timothy 3. Trustworthy, above reproach, not a drunk. The husband of one wife-- gentle not quarrelsome. not in it for the money, You can read it for yourself
They are very important people. Pastors work with deacons. Deacons serve the people. Pastors preach the word. Deacons free them up to do so.
In fact, you can do a study of deacons using a concordance and a Bible dictionary. Doing a word study on the term Deacon should be an interesting Bible Study for you.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Keep on Romaning With Paul-part five
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Jot Down Observations |
Okay. Let us get back to our Bible study method using the Epistle of Romans.
There is so much here in this one short epistle. We can follow the mention of the wrath of God. What is it? Why do we mention the wrath? Isn't God all loving? For this you will need a Concordance which lists all the words used in the Bible. Also you may want to look up the wrath of God in a Bible dictionary. Make note in the margins of the paper you are recording your observations.
Remember, I said you should have a notebook to jot down your observations. This is very important if you are serious about doing a Bible Study Method.
Later on you will contrast the righteousness of God.
I believe the Bible is able to answer the questions we have as we read and study. That is why having notes jot down are important. You may not find the answer in the passage of the book you are presently in, but as you read you will no doubt find some insight that will help you in your quest.
Remember I have talked about your Bible study being like a quest for nuggets of gold? This is what I meant. Slow and steady.
Monday, January 9, 2017
A New Corner
This is Jan 9, 2017 and I took a look at what areas you readers are clicking into and I have notice that my current review of Romans is not being clicked on as much as my methods.
So I will chill and start a new emphasis.
Common Grace. This is something we all have based on the fact that God created us. Common Grace gives us the air we breath, the area we live in. It gives us many things we just take for granted.
Such as, you woke up this morning. Another thing is that you started to move. God allowed you to do so.
The fact that you can turn on your computer or iPhone and read this page and respond to it...Common Grace.
Also your interest in the subject of Bible Study Methods-- the decisions you make to do or not do. Obey or not obey. All allowed.. The choice to leave or not leave comments for me--
This is a New Year. Let us start to and keep up communication.
ps. Having posted this I went back and looked at how many clicks my postings have had and I noticed the postings on Romans shows 3 clicks each so I guess I may have spoken a bit too soon. So, give me some time and I will get back to Paul.
So I will chill and start a new emphasis.
Common Grace. This is something we all have based on the fact that God created us. Common Grace gives us the air we breath, the area we live in. It gives us many things we just take for granted.
Such as, you woke up this morning. Another thing is that you started to move. God allowed you to do so.
The fact that you can turn on your computer or iPhone and read this page and respond to it...Common Grace.
Also your interest in the subject of Bible Study Methods-- the decisions you make to do or not do. Obey or not obey. All allowed.. The choice to leave or not leave comments for me--
This is a New Year. Let us start to and keep up communication.
ps. Having posted this I went back and looked at how many clicks my postings have had and I noticed the postings on Romans shows 3 clicks each so I guess I may have spoken a bit too soon. So, give me some time and I will get back to Paul.
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