Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Gospel Of John

 It has been some time since I have posted here. But I want you  to know I am still alive.

  During the pandemic most churches have been doing on-line services, if at all. I have found a church that livestreams and does have in-building services.

 The pastor there is going through the Gospel according to John. He was the one Jesus loved.  

  Slowly we are moving through the story-verse by verse. . It is interesting to view the story and actually seeing the God/man. Fully God and fully man. United into one-- not mixed but equal parts. A unity..

   And I am blessed by being one of those who each week opens the service. My wife and I co-team. One week I do it. The next, she does. We get up and read the psalm of the day, chosen by the youth pastor, And then we open in prayer. When we finish we turn the service over to the praise band to offer us worship songs before the pastor speaks. Sometimes the senior pastor preaches. Other times the youth pastor preaches. When they are gone we have guest pastors.

   It is good to be back in group fellowship. Watching on line services is good, but you don't really have fellowship with other believers.