Friday, February 14, 2020

Creation In Time


in the beginning- Creation had a beginning. At a point of time, which was created at the same time as creation, the world came into being.
The Bible informs us that it took six days to create all that is here. If the days were actual 24 hour periods of duration or periods of time, I am not going to discuss that here.
Time is a product of creation. Before creation there was no time. Just eternity. eternity does not need time to measure it.  It is outside of that restraint.
God exists in eternity but also is not part of eternity.
But that is for a further discussion in another post.
And you may ask, if God is existing in eternity, why does He need to create in His  creation of time?
I think that HE wanted to share His Love. God is love. Love must have something to love.
Sure, God exists in a trinity. Three in one. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
He wants to share His love with others. He wanted to share outside the Godhead. That is why He created angels. That is why He created man. These creations were in time.
He wanted to share His love with those things He created.
So he created with time. Both together. It takes time for true love to work out.
Keep those messages coming. I enjoy posting these posts and would like to know how you are enjoying them. If no response after a period of time, like say, three weeks, I will move on to other subjects to post under For Your Information.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

God Has Decreed

The Bible Says

This is a subject that not many preachers preach on, but it is in the Bible.
This doctrine is found mainly in the Reformed Theology books and the Presbyterians hold to a form of it.
As I understand it, God has decreed certain things. God decreed to create. He decreed to give man free will with which he, man, can choose to obey or disobey.
In His decreeing it is not the same as the action. If God decreed and there was no free will, man would only be a puppet. God would pull the strings and man would jump.
There is the decree to save those who come to God through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
Jesus said, I am the door. I am the way. No one comes to God but through Me.
God allowed sin to come into the world. I don't see him as someone cruel  enough to decree sin and then walk away.. He is not responsible for man's disobedience. Man must pay the penalty for his disobedience. And that penalty is recorded in Romans 6:23- which is death, or separation from God.
The decreed is not the act. Let me keep saying that.
He has decreed that all who come to God are saints. Not perfect but forgiven sinners who will spend eternity in heaven.
Please, respond to me. I promise to answer as soon as I can.

Monday, February 3, 2020

In Six Days

The Bible tells us it took God only six days to bring the earth, as we know it with plants, animals, fish, trees, man, into existence. Some hold to a big bang theory.
Without God,there is n o way it could have happened. It just couldn't have. Even a false idea of a big bang is hard to believe if there wasn't a first cause. It had to be a cause for which there is no cause.
The first people were Adam and Eve. Of course the Hebrew words Ish and Isha  may only infer male and female and Adam only refers to man and Eve is the mother of all born, But come on now, allow the Bible to say what it says.
Since it is God breathed, that is, God spoke it, it is truth. I don't see anything like a mistranslation.
Itsays six days. Evening and morning were the first day. note- the day is counted from night and day not day and night. This is he Hebrwew way of day,. Night coming before day.
Were these days like 24 hours each or a mass period of time?  The reference to night and day seem to suggest they were a specific period of time and not long eras.
Were these real people? Yes.
Did it really happen? Yes.
Keep up your Bible study and feel free to comment to me. I would like to hear from you.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

A Line To The Almighty

A long time ago I posted on this subject. Labels with prayer mentioned in them keep popping up. So I guess it is time, once again, to mention the subject.
Everyone prays. The eastern belief system refers to this as chanting instead of prayer. And I realize it is not the same, but they chanters expect to make contact with some spiritual being whom they hope will happen to help them.
No, prayer ,as I am talking about it, true prayer, is only done successfully by the Christian.
Definition: Christian. One who has a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, whom has said, No one comes to the Father by through me.
Of course you would want to talk to God if you have a relationship. Just as you would talk to a friend.
What should you talk to Him about? Everything. Your day's events. Your worries. Your joys. Your needs.
He wants to hear from you. He is waiting to hear your voice.
Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you.
It is a line to the Almighty.
When you have a relationship with Him it is like you belong to a family. If you are normal you talk to your family. In return your family talks to you.
God talks to those who have a relationship with Him by the Bible. God overshadowed the writers and what we have is what He wants to communicate. I think that is a great deal.
Please consider talking to God on a more regular basis. But to be heard you must have a relationship with Him. Otherwise He is not obligated to hear and answer.