The Bible tells us it took God only six days to bring the earth, as we know it with plants, animals, fish, trees, man, into existence. Some hold to a big bang theory.
Without God,there is n o way it could have happened. It just couldn't have. Even a false idea of a big bang is hard to believe if there wasn't a first cause. It had to be a cause for which there is no cause.
The first people were Adam and Eve. Of course the Hebrew words Ish and Isha may only infer male and female and Adam only refers to man and Eve is the mother of all born, But come on now, allow the Bible to say what it says.
Since it is God breathed, that is, God spoke it, it is truth. I don't see anything like a mistranslation.
Itsays six days. Evening and morning were the first day. note- the day is counted from night and day not day and night. This is he Hebrwew way of day,. Night coming before day.
Were these days like 24 hours each or a mass period of time? The reference to night and day seem to suggest they were a specific period of time and not long eras.
Were these real people? Yes.
Did it really happen? Yes.
Keep up your Bible study and feel free to comment to me. I would like to hear from you.
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