Monday, November 20, 2017

Warning: Undedrstand What You Are Singing

Yesterday in Church Service I heard a song--it has been out for a while, but this is the first time I heard it. "Speak Into The Atmosphere." If you were to look up the lyrics it  would be under "speak" It is written by Myron Butler.
It must be well known in the black community, The words seem to be more on the line of the Law Of Attraction. "Speak and it will be yours. Walk about your house and speak... I shall have what I decree. Yes, I believe. It belongs to me."
And so on.
 The first question to ask is where in the Bible is the verse? There is none. But ,yes, speak into the atmosphere (Where demons are and the prince of the power of the air and you may have what you desire.
  Speak into the atmosphere is not prayer. This is what I hold to.
" I believe. I shall have what I decree." That sounds like the ability to create out of--what? The atmosphere? God has not given His people that ability.  Only God can create that way.
 Yes, He has given to man the ability to create using substances in existence. But He has never given to man the ability to create as He creates. It is  a part of the image we don't have.
  This song is dangerous and when found in a Bible believing church should be carefully explained and then never heard again.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Trump And America

  So let me change the subject for this post. I will get back to Bible study later. At the moment I feel this urge to look at President Trump and his term.
  I realize there are many who don't still know that Trump not Clinton is our President. I read posting where people are calling Trump our suppose President.
  This view is not right. Like it or not Trump is in the White House and will be for a while.
   Let me try to explain what Make America Great is all about. As I see it, it is making America a place where a person is proud to be a citizen. A place where you want to be a citizen. A place where if you are an immigrant you want to become a citizen.
   A place where you no longer have to live off the dole of the government but a place where you can get up each morning and go to a job.
   In order for this to work we have to get our industries and jobs back on American soil and not outsourced.
   We don't have to help other nations prosper. Japan and China and South Korea, to name a few places, no longer need our help to prosper. That was a thought we had after the war. We needed to help rebuild China, Japan and so on. We no longer have that need. We should bring our jobs back to our land and create jobs for Americans. For example, technology. We have the expertise here and the people here who can do the needed jobs. We shouldn't have to ship our  raw material overseas to turn around and buy it back. Fort example, we need less products made in China and more American made on our soil. It will mean more jobs for Americans -- jobs that we have sent overseas. Put Americans back to work in American plants.
    Get people who will not work off SSI and other programs. Are you aware where that money comes from.?
   From the working people. That is where the money comes from. From Jobs that we have. The services we provide.
  America can't be great if people who are fit are not working.  And that is working at jobs that the rich have made possible. There can be no jobs if there are not rich people who have paid out the seed money to start the  businesses which will need to hire employees.
  Let us face it.. there is no job that is worthless. Every job is needed from the street cleaner to the executive.
   American can be great again. We can be proud to call ourselves Americans.
   We can do it with God's help.