Sunday, January 15, 2017

Every Church Should Have Some Deacons

Table Servers
   Let me slow down and talk about a group of men that each church should have. They aren't the pastor but they are very important people. I am talking about the group of people known as Deacons.
   In scripture they show up in the book of Acts when there is a need of table waiters The church was made up of Hebrews and Hellenists- those who spoke Greek. It was over the feeding of the widows. The apostles decided that seven men full of the Holy Spirit were to be chosen for this task.
   Today the  Deacons are there to help the pastor of the church in areas of service such as serving communion, handling the money used for meeting needs of the people.
    Paul thought this so important that he tells Timothy, a pastor of a church in Ephesus, the things to look for in  choosing a man to be a Deacon. This is recorded in 1Timothy 3. Trustworthy, above reproach, not a drunk. The husband of one wife-- gentle not quarrelsome. not in it for the money, You can read it for yourself
    They are very important people.   Pastors work with deacons. Deacons serve the people. Pastors preach the word. Deacons free them up to do so.
    In fact, you can do a study of deacons using a concordance and a Bible dictionary. Doing a word study on the term Deacon should be an interesting Bible Study for you.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Keep on Romaning With Paul-part five

Jot Down Observations

Okay. Let us get back to our Bible study method using the Epistle of Romans.
 There is so much here in this one short epistle. We can follow the mention of the wrath of God. What is it? Why do we mention the wrath? Isn't God all loving? For this you will need a Concordance which lists all the words used in the Bible. Also you may want to look up the wrath of God in a Bible dictionary. Make note in the margins of the paper you are recording your observations.
  Remember, I said you should have a notebook to jot down your observations. This is very important if you are serious about doing a Bible Study Method.
  Later on you will contrast the righteousness of God.
  I believe the Bible is able to answer the questions we have as we read and study. That is why having notes jot down are important. You may not find the answer in the passage of the book you are presently in, but as you read you will no doubt find some insight that will help you in your quest.
   Remember I have talked about your Bible study being like a quest for nuggets of gold? This is what I meant. Slow and steady.

Monday, January 9, 2017

A New Corner

This is Jan 9, 2017 and I took a look at what areas you readers are clicking into and I have notice that my current review of Romans is not being clicked on as much as my methods.
  So I will chill and start a new emphasis.
   Common Grace. This is something we all have based on the fact that God created us. Common Grace gives us the air we breath, the area we live in. It gives us many things we just take for granted.
  Such as, you woke up this morning. Another thing is that you started to move. God allowed you to do so.
  The fact that you can turn on  your computer or iPhone and read this page and respond to it...Common Grace.
   Also your interest in the subject of Bible Study Methods-- the decisions you make to do or not do. Obey or not obey. All allowed.. The choice to leave or not leave comments for me--
   This is a New Year. Let us start to and keep up communication.
ps. Having posted this I went back and looked at how many clicks my postings have had and I noticed the postings on Romans shows 3 clicks each so I guess I may have spoken a bit too soon. So, give me some time and I will get back to Paul.