When yu are reading the Bible take the time to slow down and pray over the passsage. There may be something there that God is using to speak to you. So you pray it back and wait. Sometimes the question you have is answered in the following paragraph. Sometimes not. There may be another passge located some place else in the Bible.
I would recommend a study Bible. Most study Bibles will have some notes to help you. The notes are not the word of God. But if you get a good study Bible the chances are that the person who included the notes can be used as a conduit. Jot down in your notebook your observations.
A plan you can use is to read through the Bible in a years time. There are many good programs out there. Your study Bible should have one to offer. Or follow your church's Bible Reading plan.
Get into the word and get the word into you. You do this by memorizing passages as you read. Say you find a verse thsat you like. Memorize slowly and word for word. This is the process called hiding the word in your heart.
"Your word I have hid in my heart that I might not sin against God."-Psalm 119:11
"Study to show yourself approved unto God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed"
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