First of all.. God is a Supreme Ruler. To be more exact He is The Supreme Ruler. He rules everything.
God is Sovereign.
He allows everything. Nothing is out of His control. Not even bad events. Not even illness.
Do you actually think that there is anything God is not aware of? That there is anything God looks at and says, "Now, where did that come from?"
This means that even evil in the world is allowed and caused by Him.
God is Sovereign, that's why.
Even Satan is controled by God and there is nothing Satan can do that first doesn't pass by the permission of God.
Satan is only a lap dog. A very powerful and evil lap dog. But he is not more powerful than God.
Satan is not the sovereign one. Dispite what you think, he is not in control untimely. He is not the one who decides how it will end up.
I am presently reading a book by Kay Arthur. It will be reviewed in another blog site as soon as I am done reading it. It is good and I would recommend it. It is about life's disappointments and how God is not surprised that there are disappointments.
Yes, God created everything perfect. Yes, He allowed evil to come into the perfect world. Yes, He knows what you are experiencing.
Yes, God is sovereign.
Here is a link to the book at Amazon for those of you who want to purchase a copy.
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