Saturday, July 4, 2020

What Is Man?

Again we make a turn. There is so much that I can share and I can write on. Earlier in these postings I did a series on Bible study methods. It seems the ABC system is being well received.
And many other subjects through the years have been handled. For this series I would like to return to discussing major subjects handled in the Bible.
The book of Psalms chapter 8 verses states: "When I consider Your Heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have ordained; what is man that you take thought  of him.."
No, I don't wish at this moment to unlock creation. Instead I wish to start to unlock us. MAN.
Just what are we? Are we, as the secular  says, a product of time and chance?  And is so, why do we feel there is something different about us?
Perhaps we are a special creation of a being greater than us.
Maybe in the beginning God created us male and female and put us in a place known as Eden. Maybe this being greater than us, and uncreated being beyond time and space limitations, wanted to fellowship with us.
That would make man different from the animals and the plants and other things.
Let us call this being God. One greater than we can conceive.
If this is so, man is special and asking what is an that you (God)  take thought of him is a very important question to ask and answer.
In the postings to come I hope to explore this deeply.
I feel enough has been started here for you to consider.

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