So to continue with the last posting, just what is man-- I shall say was on the sixth day of the creation account man was created. It was the same day the animals were created, the beast of the field after their kind along with the cattle after their kind and the things that creep on the ground after their kind. But man was created special. God brewed into their nostrils the breath of life . Formed man of the dust of the ground. Gave him the image of Himself. Made him at creation a living soul. GAve him submission over the animals and the rulership. It seems He wan ted man to rule with Him and control the earth.
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Something happened. They disobeyed God when God told them about that tree they were supposed to eat the fruit of. ( it may be a symbol, but I am not ready to talk about that just yet.)
They lost, not the image of God. We still have that. They lost for all mankind the likeness.
But God so loved His creation that He had a plan. I will talk about that later.
For those of you who like reading more about this or would wish to explore other books, I will have a link in the banner Here.
Enjoy the exploring.
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