Friday, July 13, 2018

The Supreme Court Judge to Be

Trump has made a selection for the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh.  I myself feel it is good that he has done so. We should have a balance of nine judges there in order to balance policies and keep our country moving forward.
 There is some fear that the court will lean right.
  If the judges made decisions based on what is there in the Constitution and not try to remake the words to mean what they don't--if they try to rewrite what the founding fathers did-- that is wrong and is not what they are there for.
  The whole deal was based on morals founded on the Bible. One supreme being, nationalism and identity..
   Not globalism. Not hate. Yes, there could be debates concerning personal viewpoints.
   I understand there are a few who fear that Roe Vs Wade will be overturned. It should be. The question of abortion should be determined by the states and not the government. Section ten giving the states the right to making a decision like this and not the government is still there.
   Roe vs Wade put the government in our bedrooms. Get them out of there.

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