We have to consider that God made us with a sex urge. Now there
is nothing wrong with that. If we did not have a sex urge we would not be able
to procreate and have fun doing it.
It is this power of
sex that God has given to us that makes us different from a mere animal. Yes,
they have coupling and the procreation instinct also, but it is a basic urge
for them. For us men and women, it is more than a basic urge. It is pleasant and
enjoyable. And it should only be a
matter between a man and a woman who are married to each other. It is not a
play tool.
girl, boy, is not a toy. That boy, girl, is not a toy.
That penis
you have, men, is not a tool to be inserted in a woman’s vagina whenever you
feel the urge. . Sex makes the two of you one. There is a bonding—a glue- that
happens. That is why it should only be within marriage. It leads to joy and
See the
Song Of Solomon for a picture of sex that pleases God.
of marriage it is not something to be done. Inside marriage It is the icing on
the cake .
of marriage it may momentarily satisfy but it is not satisfying over the long
period of time.
Gordon Neufeld, a noted secular psychologist, as said that sex is a potent
bonding agent: It creates couples, attaches to each other those who engage in
On the
other hand, pornography is a poor substitute for sex. Pornography may be considered
by some a socially acceptable form of entertainment. But it scars the brain.
Sure, it provides stimulation and a momentary lift, but it has the tendency to
leave a person emptier than before. Naomi Wolf, a social critic, has pointed
out that, ironically, pornography deadens sexual desire in relation to real
When a
person makes the decision to not have sex for a season he is offering up a gift
to God—a infinitely precious gift.
I would like to offer you a link to some information concerning sex and the Christian. Please take a look. It is an offer of e-books so you can get it right now. For a limited time it will cost only $37.00.