Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bible Reading 1

      I guess the most important thing a Christian can do is read the Bible. This is God speaking to you. When you come  to a passage you don't understand, pray over it, ask for wisdom, and you will be given wisdom, and rely on the teaching of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you as His temple, and keep on reading. God may bring a Christian brother or sister into your life who will help you with that passsge. Or you can ask your pastor (You must fellowship with other believers). Just keep reading. Keep on praying. Keep on fellowshipping
      If you need a system to get through the Bible reading, I have discovered  is good. It has Bible versions (KJV, NASB, Good News, etc) and Bible reading plans. Some are year long. Some are topical and take less time. But get in to a Bible reading program
        The Bible can be liken to food. The Bible is food for your spiritual body. You need more than that once a week injection you get at the weekly church service.

Gifts for the Church

        I insist you find a good Bible believing, Bible treaching,  God honoring church. Plug in and use the spiritual gift that you received the moment you became a Christian. This gift is for the church not for you alone. You are part of the body. A body part. The church needs you and your gift. 

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