Last Sunday Pastor Joe of ACTS Church gave as his sermon a sermon on ability giving. This is not the same as the Tithe or Law giving. It is giving according to your ability to give. There is noi set level of giving attached to this. Just what you are able to give.
Most of us think of giving as financi
al so ability giving is giving a portion of what youi are able to make this past week.
If you are a writer than a portion of your check that you receive.. that portion that is a sacrifice for you. For giving for a Christian seems to be the equivalent of the lamb or dove offered to God in the days of old by the people of Israel.
Or if you are able to sell a product this past week and have recedived the payment. A portion of that. According to your ability. It is called ability giving.
The example of the widows mite in the days of Jesus is an ability offering. She gave of her ability. The rich people gave off the top and probably never missed what they gave. But the widow gave more than off the top..
Or if you do internet marketing and you get money from this type of business, give according to your ability.
Remember, it is called ability giving.