All this talk and you ,may be wondering, just where does this guy get off? He is writing so much about a Bible and yet, ..
Yes, the Bible is the authority I go by when I write in this blog because God has spoken and has recorded all He has said in the Bible.
Not everyone has a Bible. Hard to believe. But even those who say they do, may only have opne thnat is never read and therefore is collecting dust.
Brush it off and sit down and read it.
And for those who wish to send a Bible or support a group that sends out Bibles, let me put a banner on the bottom of this post. Click on it and find out how you can be part of the distribution of scripture.
Mostly, unless you have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ you won't be able to really understand what you read. I k now I have covered this topic earlier, and well again in the future. As for this post I just want you to know Bibles are available
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