Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Your Authority Is The Bible

 All  this talk and you ,may be wondering, just where does this guy get off? He is writing so much about a Bible and yet, ..

 Yes, the Bible is the authority I go by when I write in this blog because God has spoken and has recorded all He has said in the Bible.

Not everyone has a Bible. Hard to believe. But even those who say  they do,  may only have opne thnat is never read and therefore is collecting dust. 

Brush it off and sit down and read it.

And for those who wish to send a Bible or support a group that sends out Bibles, let me put a banner on the bottom of this post. Click on it and find out how you can be part of the distribution of scripture.

Mostly, unless you have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ you won't be able to really understand what you read. I k now I have covered this topic earlier, and well again in the future. As for this post I just want you to know Bibles are available

Stay a reader of this blog and join in the journey.

May God bless you in your journey/

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Gender Identification

 It is all around us now. Or at least it seems to be. I mean this teaching in the schools that boys and girls are the same. That there is no difference. That you can chose who you are sexually. Chose to be a make or a female. Be what you were born to be. And so on.

I am here to tell you a secret. Come closer now. Closer.

When God created you  through the process of birth into this world, He made no mistake. He knew your sexual identity before you were formed in your mother's womb. He knew if you were male or female.

He did not make you a whatever in your mother's womb. 

God did not make a transgender.

"Then God said, "Let us make make man in our image..." God created man in His own image, male and female He created them.

God's image is not what we see when we look at a person. It is inner. 

Let me venture that God's image is relational, in that we were created to be in relation to another person. God also created  him; male and female. He created them to procreate and to fellowship and to subdue the elements around him.

I guess a whole different post could be written, and will be written, on subdue.

Point is, God did not make a  mistake when  He created male and female.

I believe when a person decides to become a gender they were not born as, they tamper with the image of God they have.  They are making  their own god. That new god is self. And God, the creator, is a jealous God. He doesn't share Himself with anyone or thing.

Feel free to post feedback. I will respond.