Saturday, September 19, 2020

People Need To Hear From God


With all this basic foundation laid down in the past few postings, you may be saying to yourself, sure, but what if the scriptures that will allow me to know God are not in the language of the person I am talking to? I mean, what if I can't end my conversation by handing them a Bible in the tongue they can best read?

I have an answer. Get them a Bible in their tongue. And you can. I can link you to a Bible organization that will help you.  

Everyone should be able to read what God has said. I believe God has spoken and has overshadowed some writers to record what He has said. This was because He wants to communicate. Since He is spirit the only way He could connect would be this way.

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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Created To Be Special

 God didn't have to as he was complete in and of Himself. God, being a trinity, three persons in one being, He was not alone. The Trinity is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

 God is also love. And love likes to share. He wanted to share. He had finished creating angels, but these angels are ministering spirits. God needed no one to minister to Him if in ministering it means to provide something lacking. God can not lack. God is not his creation . That is above space, time, material and need. But He could create time, material, space and humans. AN dthen HE woujld have something for the angels to minister to. 

The human was not divine. He is not God but in the likeness of God. He was created to share with God the control of the material, time, space around him. But not to rule or manage God. God is above and always has been and will always be outside time, space, material.

As detailed in earlier posts, man blew it. Big time.

Man is still special. Yet now he must deal with blockage in the way to greatness. The only one who could remove the blockage is the creator.   

Stay tune for further posts.