Long May It Wave |
A new year is coming. 2020 is around the corner. God has been good to America. We don't deserve it. Not after the way we are treating Him. We were founded, true, not as a Christian Bible based experiment but most of our original documents, which have been parsed and parsed so many times to be practically meaningless, were based on the idea that we had a blessing of a supreme being over us. We based our documents on there being standards that are God given and as such can't be taken away by government. Such standards as right and wrong. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, not given by the state. For if the state gave us these rights they can be taken back by the state. No. God gave us these three rights and only God can take them back.
So 2020 is before us. Don't allow the state or even the government in Washington DC to take away your rights. A chance to prove what you can do is fine. But there is no right to sponge off the cities and nation you live in. Work ethics is good. Pan handling is not a right.
Helping others get back on their feet and become productive is right. The state taking money from your pocket to do programs for the ones who won't work, that is questionable at best, and down right stealing at the worst.
I have more to say but I will allow this to seep into your mind first before I venture to share them.