Sunday, April 26, 2015

Ask Yourself, Would God Want Me To Be Doing This

 Today being Sunday and today being a day I attend services at my church, the sermon was centered on Romans 12:2. Submitting your body as a form of sacrifice.
     It is simple. Ask yourself if what you are doing is pleasing to God. Would God actually want you to be doing what you are doing?
    And in personal affairs, are you humble? Do you allow God to use you?  Working through you?
   Do you handle your temper? There is a book out, which I will review soon in my blog that states we shouldn't be angry at all. It isn't our right or position to do so. To leave the anger up to God.
   But that review hasn't been written yet nor has the book that is about that subject been read. It is only April 26 at this moment.
   Getting back to what I was saying,  Others are watching you, if you state you are a Christian, and are prejudging what they falsely call 'Christian' activities. That word used as a descriptive adjective or an adverb is the wrong use. Christian is a noun. A person. Not a state of being, in my opinion
   Only a Christian is able to present their body as a living sacrifice.
  Ask yourself, would God want me to be doing this?
   Likely the answer would be no.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Our Instruction Guide

It always is a wonder to me how a God who is afar off can be so near and concerned about His Creation. So concerned that He communicated and had spiritually prepared people record His words and deeds and preserve them through the ages to what we have today known as a Bible.
   Yes, it is God communication to us.
    We do need a good translation since the original is in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek... for sure not languages that we read everyday, unless we are in areas where these languages are spoken. And even then you still need to have the communication interpreted for you.
     I prefer my translation to be in my mother tongue,which in this case is  English.
     Let me suggest if you need to purchase a good translation you can click here and be sent to a place where you can acquire a Bible and some study aids.
     As I said, God has communicated. He is not silent. He is an invisible God, that is true. But He is not silent. There are things He wants us to know.
      I have a page in WordPress where I presently am telling the story contained in the pages of the book. Go and like it.
     Even though Adam sinned and all born after him are born in sin, God cares enough to communicate.  He cares enough to preserve His communication.