Sunday, August 2, 2020

Man Needs To Be In Relation

Next step in the story. God creates man. Gives him authority over animals and co-ruler-ship. He creates a woman for man so he won't be alone. Daily God would come and fellowship with Adam and Eve. All they had to do was tend the garden, eat of the produce .
The produce of the garden was theirs. All except one thing.
In order for God to test them as to their obedience, He gave them one restriction. There was a tree in the midst of the garden. Of this tree they were not to eat. It was a simple rule of obedience. Not at all difficult to understand or obey.
This makes one ask, in what state was Adam and Eve created? They were innocent. But untested. That is the best answer I can give.
But they disobey a command. And now they must be punished with (As God promised) death."The day you eat of it you shall die." was what God told them when he first gave them the restriction.
We don't see them dropping dead at that moment. (Maybe this is where death was introduced into the story. We will never know.
But they are driven out of the garden and the relationship they had with God.
So now we say.. wait! God created them for a relationship with Him. This I believe.
It so happens God was not surprised at what happened. God had already decided in eternity pass what He was going to do when this happened.
There was a way provided back to a relationship. It required shedding blood. Not just any blood would do. It had to be the blood of a sinless creature. Adam and his offspring could not give this blood. It had to be from a perfect individual. A sinless creature.
The only sinless subject was God Himself. I wouldn't say creature because God is not a creature. He is the creator.The un-created creator. The plain was to take on humanity and live a sinless life so he would be the perfect person to die for our sins (disobedience, though that is a very limp term. Sin being anything that is less than the perfection of God, which He demands).
So God started His plan by preparing the world for that event.
And that is the cliffhanger I leave this posting on.

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